Matooke (Green bananas) steamed in banana leaves and fibres

My earliest memory of Matooke is from my granny's home, everyone sited under the Jack fruit tree, each with a portion of Matooke in front of them, ready to be consumed with beef.

Then i started noticing that my kinswomen (my Baganda sisters and moms) would refer to Matooke as food, and anything else as an addition, something that to this day makes me collapse with laughter.
I then learnt that they were not being mean or anything of the sort, it was their way of conveying the message that Matooke is THE food for Baganda.

Matooke is widely grown in Central and Western Uganda, and as such the beautiful green plants are a welcoming sight in most rural and urban homes in these two regions.

With its variation in preparation, this recipe is for Matooke prepared with banana leaves and banana fibres. The process shared here is for a small number of people, otherwise the banana leaves and fibres can be more than what is indicated.

Where do i get the leaves, stems and fibres for use?

The banana leaves, stems and fibres used are all obtained from the Matooke plant. (Watch our video on how to prepare these for use)

These are also available in the local market at a relatively low cost.

For purposes of getting the process right, i strongly advise that you watch the video.

Prep: 30 Mins
Cooking: 2 Hrs & 30 Mins
Total Time: 3 Hrs

Peeled Matooke
4-5 banana leaves
2 banana fibres
Banana leaf stems 
Sauce pan

Get the basket and arrange the banana fibres in a cross format. Spread one banana leaf folded into half over the fibres and put the peeled Matooke in the centre of the leaf, creating a pile.

Get the second banana leaf and cut it into small pieces. Spread one of the pieces and place it on top of the Matooke, in the direction of the banana leaf division. Get 4 other pieces and add them on top of the first one, two on every side, then finish it up with the last piece, spread on top of the 4.

Get the banana leaf on which you placed the Matooke and fold the smaller side, followed by the larger side and tie its fibre in a loose knot. Put together the two other sides of the bundle, pull its fibre to connect with the other fibre tied in a loose knot. Secure the fibres together in a knot and cut off any extras so that the bundle is neat!

In a medium sized saucepan, create a base using the banana leaf stems (Mizingonyo) and pour in water quarter way. Fold a banana leaf and place it on top of the base, then place the Matooke bundle from step 3, on top. 

Get two more banana leaves, fold them together and tack them in neatly on top of the Matooke bundle. This helps to keep the steam from escaping. 

Put on fire and steam for about 2 hours. Do an occasional water check so that the food does not burn.

After the 2 hours, remove the Matooke and press it, in the basket using one of the banana leaves. Put it back into the saucepan and back on fire. Serve after about 30 minutes.


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